Friday, December 16, 2011

Best Friends For Life

This post is going to be about a subject that is very near to my heart.  Thinking about writing about this subject is getting me teary eyed.  Sounds cheesy I know, but that's how much this topic means to me.  December 12, 2007 was the first day of a wonderful friendship and relationship.  For those of you that don't know, that is the day that my niece Kenlee was born.  Coming into this world was rough for her, my sister had to have an emergency C-Section after being in labor for 30 hours.

While she has been growing up our bond and relationship has only gotten stronger and more solid.  It is one relationship that I hope continues for the rest of our lives.  When she was about 4 months old I noticed that when I was around her, she would try to copy and mimic every noise and face that I made.  She couldn't do them most of the time, but she sure tried.  As she got older, she started to copy me more and more.  Noises, faces, movement, walking.  She wanted to do everything that I did, and I was okay with that.

Now being 4 years old, she still tries to copy me with things that I do, but she is now her own person, and does her own crazy things.  Kenlee with always ask and wait so patiently for the the first and third Sundays of every month.  Those are days that she lives for.  Those are the Sunday's that Chris and I go up to Clinton and have Sunday dinner with the family.  When it is time for us to leave, she becomes heart broken and cries 80% of the time.  She breaks my heart every time.  But I am happy to see that she still loves me so much.

I want the relationship with her to last forever.  When she is 14 I want her to be able to call me and tell me how annoying her parents are being, or about a boy that she likes at school.  I want her to be able to come to me with any problem and be able to tell me anything.  With the way that things are going between us now, I have no doubt in my mind that we will be anything but best friends.  She will always hold a special place in my heart.  A place that will never be able to filled by anything or anyone else besides her.

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