Monday, January 30, 2012

Inches Gone=Greater Happiness

First, I need to say thank you to my dear sister for introducing me to the wonderful world of "Lose It!".  It's a weight loss app out there designed specifically for you and your weight loss desires.  She introduced it to me 2 weeks ago, and I am so happy that she did.

When you download the app, it asks you for your current weight, the weight that you would like to be, if you're a male or female, and height.  It then asks you how much weight you would like to lose each week.  You can do as little as just maintaining your weight, or as much as 2 pounds a week.  After putting in all of the required information it will give you a calorie number that you can consume each day.  If you stick with that number, you will drop the weight with no problem.  The app will also give you a date that you should have all of the weight gone by too.  If you are serious about losing weight, then it is really easy to get started.  I get to eat 1,200 calories a day since I want to lose 2 pounds a week.  It sounded like a lot to me at first, but it is not a ton at all.  It is not unhealthy, but it is a definite cut back from the calories that I was consuming daily before.  It was also much harder at the beginning than I expected it to be, not only do I have to cut and count the calories that I am eating, but I have to balance out the calorie intake too.  Like I said, it was not easy starting out, and I was kind of a grouch about it, but I am glad that I have stuck with it so far.  I know that it is a lifestyle that I will stick with too once I am down to the weight that I would like to be.  It is a good habit forming way to make yourself healthier.  It is something that you need to be super dedicated to as well.  This is not one of those things that you can fake, you need to keep track of everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, you consume daily.  If you keep track and are dedicated to the process you will have no problems losing weight on schedule.  If you add in an extra step of working out at least 4 times a week, the you will lose weight and inches faster than you can even keep track of.  

Not only am I losing weight, but I am also losing an incredible amount of inches off of my entire body too.  Nothing makes me happier than looking in the mirror and realizing the clothes that used to fit me, no longer do and it's almost time to go out and buy some in a smaller size.

If you are looking for a healthier lifestyle, and an easy way to lose weight I recommend this option 100%.  As a reminder, it is called "Lose It!", and it's awesome.  It's going to be tough to change your eating habits at first, but once you do, and you stick with it, it is an amazing change to your life that you will not regret.


  1. Can't wait to see you after Costa Rica all tan and sexy!

  2. I am glad we have it. I am now down 12 in 4 weeks.
