Monday, December 5, 2011

Tis the Season for Wanting Change

For the last little while I have wanting a big change in my life.  I have wanted to move out of state.  I think that it would be a huge growing experience for me and it would teach me a lot of the world outside of the Utah bubble.  I am 24 years old, and I have only lived as far north as Logan, and only as far south as Provo.  That is a total of 2 hours apart from each other, and only 1 hour in each direction from where I grew up.  I want a different landscape and a different area to live in for this part of my life.  I want to experience life, the people, and the church outside of Utah.  I have heard many wonderful things about all of those things, and I want to experience those things for myself.  I feel like I am not living up to my full adult potential because I am not exposed to different and new things during this time of my life.

Going to Italy was a huge eye opening experience for me because I did not realize that there was a huge world out there that I did not understand or know about.  I want to explore more of that and live in a culture that is foreign to me.  Now that we're going to Costa Rica in February, it will open up a new window of knowledge into my life that I have been longing for since we left Italy 2 1/2 years ago.  I would love to move to a different country, but I could not do that to my family or Chris' family.

Sure, it would be a scary change, but it is something that I think that I would be able to handle right now.  There are a few things that are stopping me from moving Chris and I to another state.  First thing, our families.  As I expressed earlier, I don't think that our families would appreciate the move.  They would be sad that they don't get to see us as often as they would like.  Second, finances.  We are looking into buying a house in the next year or so, and for us to pick up and move would not be a very smart money move on our part.  We need to stay put if we want to take the next adult step and buy a house.

So I guess we'll stay put.  Provo is a wonderful city, and I am so happy and so blessed to be close to family and the people that I love.

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