Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Lord Needs Valiant (10) Servants

Well, it has happened.  We have a calling in our ward.  Surprise surprise. . .  (Drum Roll)  It is a Primary calling.  Last time we heard we have 122 kids (not including nursery and the babies) in your ward.  And no that is not a typo.  We have 122 Primary kids in our ward.  Needless to say, a Primary calling was bound to happen.  We have been called to teach the Valiant 10 class.  Last week was the first week for us.  I was really nervous about it too.  They are not young enough to accept whoever rolls on into their class to teach them.  They are older and actually have opinions about people.  I did not want to disappoint.  The pressure was on.  Chris kept reassuring me that everything was going to be fine, and I knew it was going to be.  We were teaching the class together and we are great compliments to each other while teaching.  I could handle 8 kids with the 2 of us there.  It was going to be perfect. 

I woke up nervous, but prepared Sunday morning.  Rolled over and tried to wake Chris up, but he was so so sick.  There was no way that he was going to be able to go to church.  He couldn't even open up his eyes long enough to realize I was standing over him trying to wake him up.  And that was the moment that I realized that I was going to be teaching this new class on my own.  I was petrified.  I was pretty nervous throughout Sacrament meeting.  What is it going to be like?  Are they going to like me?  Or just be annoyed because I am the new teacher?  Were they good kids?  Did they like to participate?  Or were they going to sit in silence as I asked someone to read a scripture?  Maybe everything would be fine.  I had no idea of knowing what was really going to happen once I went through my classroom door.

I am happy to report that everything went great.  There are a few kids that we'll need to get after a few times for chatting and not listening, but for the most part the kids we well behaved and happy.  The majority of them were participating.  They all answered questions, but not all of them read.  They were happy to help fill me in on birthdays, what they had been working on, things they were used to the other teachers doing, etc.  They filled me in on everything.  Once we went in for singing and sharing time they were even better.  I'm still trying to decide if them behaving better for someone else than me is a good thing or a bad thing.  I think that I'm going to take it as a victory.

This is going to be a good calling for Chris and I to have in the ward.  We'll be great teachers and have a wonderful time learning and growing with the kids.  Thanks Jessie's Brook ward for the wonderful opportunity to teach and learn.

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